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Letter From The Chairman



Dear Friends,

    It is my lifelong goal to save human lives and relieve human sufferings related to debilitating and fatal diseases with no known cure. Some of us might have loved ones stricken with muscular dystrophies, ischemic cardiomyopathy, or heart failure. Others may be incapacitated by Type II diabetes, aging or intractable pain. As yet others need a younger and healthy look to stay happy.

  Cell Therapy Institute (CTI) is dedicated to finding cures for these diseases and enhancement for various physical conditions. Its platform technology of Human Myoblast Genome Therapy is at the cutting edge of Cell Transplantation, Gene Therapy and Tissue Engineering. The technology comes after 40 years of painstaking efforts of many experts and professionals.

   It is my dream that you will join us in this race for life. Together we will establish a better tomorrow for the sick and their loved ones. We will improve the patients' quality of life and prolong their lifespan through vigorous biomedical research and stringent clinical trials. In addition, we will beautify the human race.

  We appreciate any support and guidance that you may offer. It is through your continual support that we will one day achieve our common goal.


Prof. Peter K. Law, Ph.D.

Founder & Chairman